Region 2

Karen Patrick, Cer.A.T.
E-mail: [email protected]

Hello Region, 2

I hope everyone is doing well. With the winter months almost gone I’m looking forward to some spring weather and planning on some vacations with my family. I know with this Covid and all the strains that’s not been easy trying to plan family time but please protect yourselves and family members and wear your masks! 

I would like to start thinking about holding a Region 2 zoom conference in June which will be combined with region 1. If you have any ideas on topics, you would like the speakers to talk about just reach out to me. The nice thing about holding a Virtual Zoom Conference is any region can attend. It’s a great way to earn your CEs. Remember to check the ASATT website for updates and upcoming events.

I hope everyone had a chance to celebrate Anesthesia Tech Week, please send me pictures so I can post them to the ASATT site, or you can join us on our new Instagram page at to post pictures and get updates and information. I have attached picture to show how our facility celebrated anesthesia tech week and would like to give a big THANK YOU to them.

Have you ever thought about being more active in our society? ASATT members may want to consider writing an article for the Sensor, ASATT is always looking for members to contribute to our quarterly publication, remember you can earn CE’s and may be eligible for the Science and Technology award and this could be a great way for you to get more involved. Remember you can earn CEs from the quizzes one of the perks for being a ASATT member.

Don’t forget to visit our ASATT website it has very useful information and articles on Healthcare news. Please don’t forget there is a discussion board where you can ask questions and share ideas. 

Save the Date: Start thinking about our next Annual Meeting in Fort Worth, Texas on August 10 -12, 2022. I look forward to seeing everyone in person in Fort Worth, Tx! 

As a reminder: Please everyone stay safe and be healthy! 

Karen Patrick, Cer.A.T.
Region 2 Director 

[email protected]